
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

More Crochet Owls with a free pattern.

The pattern for this crochet owl is free, allows us to use wool remnants and 
considering that they are adorable, I could not resist doing more and more 
El patrón para hacer estos búhos es gratis, nos permite usar restos de lana y
considerando que son adorables, no lo pude resistir ..volví a hacer mas y
mas  búhos !!!

The blog  where you'll find the free pattern is called "Cre8tion Crochet" and
there you'll find a lot of free patterns,  videos and tutorials. I leave the link for this pattern

The explanations for these friendly little owls, are easy to follow,
we can do one owl, or more than one, in an afternoon and will be a unique gift. 
Las explicaciones para este hermoso búho son fáciles de seguir, con un poco de
inspiración en la combinación de los colores de las lanas  podemos hacer en una
tarde un búho o mas que uno para hacer un regalo único .
Les recuerdo que es un patrón gratis que encontraran en el blog,
El enlace directo para este patron, esta aqui.

If you want more quick crochet projects to do, I invite you to visit my board
"crocheting animals and little things" on pinterest, I'm sure you will find 
inspiration there! Here is the link
Si estan buscando  más proyectos de crochet rápidos de hacer, los invito a
visitar mí  board de pinterest "cocheting animals and little things",  estoy
segura que allí  encontrarán inspiración! Este es el enlace.

I wish you a beautiful and creative day !!!
Les deseo un hermoso y creativo día !!!


Marisa :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The joy of participating to a link party!

I love to participate in the link parties, is a way to share our creations and admire what other people have been working on. Today I had the joy of discover that my crochet shawl was one of the most clicked on the party Be A Crafter xD. I want to share with you my joy and I invite you to visit  Maz Kwok' blog.
At her party link, you will find a variety of projects like;  sewing, knitting, crafts, crochet and she has a tab with free projects and tutorials. Worth a visit !! Here is my Crochet Shawl, along with other beautiful projects  !!!!
To find  the links towards the other projects I invite you to visit her blog, with the original post, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to spend a beautiful moment,
  here is the

Thanks for your visit and I wish you a beautiful and creative day.
Marisa :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Get connected with twitter and Instagrame.

Yesterday I decided to step forward with technology, there are a number of ways
to communicate and connect with all of you. Most of us have a blog, a Facebook
page, we collected beautiful projects that we pin to our boards on Pinterest,
we have an account with Google +......Then  I discovered that many of you have
an account with Instagram and Twitter, what can I say have motivated me
to create an account, well...I did it!!! NOW I'm on Instagram and Twitter. I
don't know how they work yet, but I'll throw myself into the adventure.
I think it's another way to share our creations, it's always inspiring to see
what other people are doing in the world.
If there are any among you, who want me to follow you, just let me know, it
will give me great pleasure to be your follower.
The next step is to create the social media buttons, I'm working on it....

Here are my badges....if you want to connect with me :)


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Let's crochet a Triangular Shawl. ( Free pattern)

If you love to do crochet and you are looking for a free pattern then this
beautiful shawl is for you. The Cloud Burst Shawl is fast to do, the suggested
yarn is worsted and you'll  need approximately 300 - 350 yards (274 - 320 m)
Si te gusta hacer ganchillo y que buscas un patrón gratis,   este hermoso chal
es para ti. El Cloud Burst Shawl es rápido de hacer, la lana sugerida es una
lana  gruesa y  necesitarás aproximadamente 300 a 350 metros (274 a 320 m)
You can make this shawl with any thickness of yarn, according to the thickness,
you will adjust the size of the crochet hook and make more or less rows until
you reach the size that you want.
Este chal puede ser hecho con cualquier espesor de lana, según el grosor,
usted ajustar el tamaño de la aguja de ganchillo y tendra que hacer más o menos
filas hasta alcanzar el tamaño que desee.
Designed by Tuesday Fornite, she has created a Pdf that you will find on 
Ravelry, here is the link. It's easy to do and very well explained.
Diseñado por Tuesday Fornite, ella ha creado un pdf que se encuentra en Ravelry y que podran bajar a su ordenador, aquí está el enlace. Es fácil de hacer y muy bien explicado.
I hope you liked this project and you will be encouraged to do one. It's a nice gift for yourself or a gift for a loved one.
Espero que  este proyecto les haya gustado y que ustedes  se animen a hacerlo. Es un lindo regalo para hacerse a uno mismo o para regalar a un ser querido. BusterCraftyAllie