
Friday, July 13, 2012

A Clothespin bag, The beginning of my project.

Before starting a project there are several things to consider, all starts with an idea, in my case, my idea was to make a clothespin bag, now the next question is, What fabrics I will use? What colors?  What style and what about the size?

Then I said to myself that I could divide my tutorial into two parts. Today I will share with you all the steps that I made before I start my project.
My idea is to make a clothespin bag and I decided to make this project using the technique of  the crazy quilt, so I began to separate the fabrics from my stash that inspired me, no matter what kind of fabric, linen, cotton, satin. After looking at all the colors of the fabrics that I have in my stash, I decided that it would be a project tone on tone using the cream color.

                                          I also started to gather trims, lace, threads and buttons.

This time I decided to use lace in my crazy quilt, the problem that I found is that all my lace and trims were white and did not match with the colors of my fabrics. So I decided to  tea-day the lace,the  trims and some fabrics to give it a vingtage look.

Let's dye with tea

The technique of dyeing with tea it's really easy, only requires a container where you put boiling water and add a few sachets of tea.

 In addition, put inside everything you want to dye, I left it about 3 hours, then rinsed with cold water and hung it on a rope to let it dry.
I am happy, because the tea staining technique gave me a good result, right?

Now let's do a little crochet.

I decided I wanted to do some crochet flowers to add in the final stage, after searching online tutorials, I decided to try this tutorial ,the video for this tutorial is done in three parts, part 1, part 2 and  part 3, everything is well explained and following her instructions, I managed to make these flowers.

Find the perfect hanger.

I have to tell the truth, actually what it was most difficult, it was finding a hanger
that I liked for my project, I looked everywhere, and these hangers were either too
large or made of wood (I want something made in plastic, that  you can leave
outside  without fear of getting wet by rain) or I did not like the color or......
Finally one day I was at the dollar store and I decided to go through the section
where the hangers are, you cannot imagine what it was my surprise when I found
these baby hangers.

They were perfect, the color, the size and the shape!

Last stage, drawing the pattern

 As soon as I get home, I drew the pattern for my clothespin. To draw the pattern, first I drew the upper contour of my hanger leaving a 1/2 " around. My pattern is 12" wide by 12 1/2 "high and to draw the center, I used the first thing I found out with a round shape, can be a cd, a dish, you can use what you will find around your house.
Here are the photos I took while creating my pattern.

In the next publication, I will show the rest of the steps to sew this clothespin bag.

Now I will show some pictures of what I have done so far.

The next photo is part of the front of the clothespin bag. I added decorative
stitches and added some flowers that I made with fabric, and one that I made in
crochet, I have to admit that adding embellishment is my favorite part!
It's not finish yet!

I love the look ef this flowers

In this last picture I just added the rest of the flowers in crochet, I'm still
trying to arranging them in a way that I like, I still have not sewn them.

I still have to finish the front of this proyect  I have to prepare the backside  and also  the lining ,
 and then I will continue with my next publication.

If you liked this introduction to the project I  hope that  you have a minute and leave me a comment, and if you really like it, I invite you to become a follower of my blog. See you soon with the second part of the tutorial.

From this corner of Montreal where we are enjoying the summer, I wish you many
happy sewing days. 



  1. How clever! How creative! I LOVE it! "See" you tomorrow!

  2. ADORABLE!!!!!
    ...and what a great tutorial. I am looking forward to the next part.

  3. It's so pretty Marisa but please don't leave it in the rain to get wet. Leave the washing but not your clothespin hanger. Love the tutorial for tea dyeing also. I can't wait to see it finished. Maybe this should be my next project, I am in desperate need of one.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Marisa just have to tell you that you misspelled "project" in your title post and again after the last photo. You put a "Y" instead of a "J". Okay now that I gave you that heads up about the typos I just wanted to say the tea dying and the crazy quilt and crochet flowers are all so beautiful! I love it. Those clothespins are going to have quite a classy place to live. Thanks for the tutorial.

    1. Daryl, thank you very much for letting me know that I had errors on my typos, the most important "in the title " Currently they are corrected! My first language is Spanish, the second language is French and I learned the English lately. Every so often, in my head all these languages ​​are mixed and there are errors, but thanks to people like you I can correct those. Thanks for visiting my blog and leave me a message. I'm glad you liked my project, soon comes the second part , still not finished.

  5. Oh, how *beautiful*, Marisa!!
    I LOVE it!!
    You are SO creative!!
    Thank you for sharing!
    in Michigan

  6. Oh, how *beautiful*, Marisa!!
    I LOVE it!!
    You are SO creative!!
    Thank you for sharing!
    in Michigan

  7. Great job! I am looking forward to your next installment.

  8. That is really beautiful!! I love the vintagey lacey look you went with!

  9. love it i too love working with lace. I've never attempted to dye anything I'm so messy I'd probably get it all overmyself LOL.

    Such a beautiful project!


  10. I love your work - it is sooooo great :-)))
    Have become a follower and put you on my sidebar so I can easily follow you lovely prodjekt.

  11. Hi Marisa, congrats, I'd like to know the next part:-)
    Thank you.
    Kisses, Emanuela

  12. I have never seen one has beautiful as yours. Thanks I am now going to check out part #2 Thanks a lot:)


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