
Thursday, April 4, 2013

News, news and more news!

I don't know if I told you that generally, I consider myself as a person
with no luck. I've played  random games, participated in contests,
participated in sweepstakes and never won anything. Here's where the
interesting part comes, in the month of March, as always I  participated to
several giveaways, and miraculously I won not one but two giveaways!!!!
The first giveaway I won was when I entered the giveaway  of Jill from
Creating my way to success and I won the "Fancy Schmancy Giveaway"
With this giveaway, I had the opportunity to discover this beautiful Etsy
shop, called Fancy Schmancy, this Etsy shop belongs to Jeni Brockbank and I
invite you to visit her, as she  is selling patterns to make fabric flowers
that are breath taking!
By winning, I could choose 4 patterns from the Fancy Schmancy Etsy shop, I
can assure you that it was difficult to select and unsurprisingly, I kept 
this site in my favorites and I want to show you the 4 patterns that  I
finally chosen:
Viewing these flowers, now you will understand my excitement of having
these patterns with me  and be able to create this beautiful fabric
Jeni Brockbank also has a blog and I advise you to visit her, there are many
tutorials, flowers, ideas, really everything you need to be well served in
terms of inspiration.

Now I want to tell you, what was the other giveaway I won!
Perhaps you remember that in one of my post I spoke about the  Satchel Bag
Pattern  giveaway that was hosted by various blogs. The pattern was created
It's beautiful, right?

I had wanted so much to win it, that I participated in each blog where they
had this giveaway.  I was lucky because  it was Liz from "Moments", who
sent me a beautiful message telling me that I had won the pattern. I could
not believe it, my second giveaway in the same month! I think it was my
lucky month.
 I invite you to visit the beautiful blog from Liz, there you will also find a
huge inspiration.

Also if you like bags,sewing, gardening  ...and much more you have to visit Samantha's blog,
 she has some cute patterns for sale. But this blog is not just about
selling patterns, there's a bit of everything, it is certain that you will
like it. I recommend visiting this blog for inspiration and information, there
 we can find anything to fill out our creativity.
Right now I'm finishing sewing some mug rugs to participate to  a blog hop
that starts on Monday, April 8 . There are several blogs that are
participating and the theme is About Mug Rugs.
For two weeks, and every day, there are several blogs that are going to show
their creations, some will make tutorials to show how they created the mug
rug and I think there are blogs that will be doing  giveaways.

The important thing here is, if you like  mug rugs and if you are
looking for inspiration, here I propose to you, two weeks with 100%
guarantee inspiration!
See you next Monday with links to the first blogs that will be
participating in the blog hop, I hope this post has given you inspiration,
what is certain is that you have several sites to discover, have a cup of
tea, or coffee and begin to surf online, you will find inspiration!
Have a nice day!



  1. Hi Marisa, I would also be excited, they are really lovely!!! Have a nice week-end!!!

  2. Congratulations Marisa on your 2 winnings!!! How exciting for you.
    I am so glad to see that you are joining in on the Mug Rug blog hop. I am posting my mug rugs on Monday. I am looking forward to seeing your mug rugs. See you on the blog hop.

  3. How exciting to have your 2 wins in one month!!
    I am looking forward to the spring showers mug rug blog hop!

    And thanks for spotlighting beautiful blogs to check out!


  4. Congratulations Marisa. Nobody deserves them the win more than you. Looking forward to the mug rug blog hop.

  5. Congratulations on the two wins in one month!! WOW! It's so thrilling to win something. The mug rug blog hop sounds really interesting. Looking forward to your next post.

  6. My luck is like yours. Heck I have no luck period. "If I didnt have bad luck, then I'd have no luck at all." that's how I feel and that's why I dont do most giveaways esp when it comes to adding all these people on blog and they never return the favor.

  7. Yippee for you! I am always happy when people win what they want. I sometimes strange giveaways that I don't know what to do with. Bye for now! I will see you on your day!


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!