
Sunday, July 7, 2013

What to do with pearls, beads and wire.

Well....using pearls, beads and wire, we can create a number of accessories, today I
want to show you a necklace, a bracelet and a ring I made to give to my
mother in law.


Que hacer con perlas, cuentas   y alambre ?
Usando perlas, beads y alambre, podemos crear una cantidad de accesorios , yo
hoy  quiero  mostrarles un collar, una pulsera y un anillo que hice para regalarle
a mi suegra.
I visited one of my favorite stores, Club Beads Plus in Montreal, I felt like a
kid in a warehouse of toys! I bought enough material to start creating something
 unique, the store is in Montreal but has an online site, if you want to visit this is the link.

As I decided to give a ring , a bracelet and a necklace to my mother in law,
this was a good excuse to go shopping. I don't know if you would feel the same
as me, but when I have an excuse to buy, I feel less guilty to go shopping!

Estuve de visita en uno de mis almacenes favoritos, Club Beads Plus en
Montreal, me sentí como un niño en un almacén de juguetes! Compré bastante
material para empezar a crear algo unico, haber decidido a  hacerle un anillo , un collar y
una pulsera  a mi suegra  fué un buen pretexto para salir de compras.
la tienda Club Beads esta situada en Montreal pero tiene un sitio online, si lo quieren visitor este es el enlace
Yo no sé si a ustedes les pasa lo mismo que a mi, pero cuando tengo una excusa para comprar, me siento menos culpable !!!!!
I'm really a beginner in this topic and the person responsible for my new
passion for creating jewelry is my mother in law. Since long ago I see her
create jewelry of all types and give them as a gift, and a couple of months ago
she began teaching me the basic principles of creating these pieces .
To create these pieces I used pearls and wire, the pearls that I used for this
necklace are glass pearls 12mm in diameter and in gray color. I didn't know
which wire to buy to make the ring, I asked one of the employees and advised me
to use 18 gauge wire.
To make the ring I watched several videos on you tube, this is the link to one
of them. If you write " How to do  wire rings" on you tube, you will be amazed
at all the tutorials that are available online 
En realidad soy una principiante en este tema y la persona  culpable de mi nueva
pasión por crear joyas   es mi suegra ( Hola Pepi). Desde hace tiempo que yo la
veo crear joyas de todo tipo y darlas en regalo, y   hace un par de meses que
ella me comenzó a enseñar los principios de base de la creación de estas joyas y aquí
estoy mostrando a ustedes  lo que  he creado.
Para crear estas piezas usé perlas, cuentas  y alambre,  las perlas que yo usé para este
collar  son perlas de vidrio de  12mm   de diámetro y de color gris,. Yo  no
sabia cual  alambre comprar para hacer el anillo, le pregunté a una de las
empleadas y me aconsejo de usar alambre calibre 18.
Para hacer el anillo estuve mirando varios videos en you tube, este es el enlace
hacia uno de ellos. Si ustedes escriben Como hacer anillos de alambre" en
you tube, se van a sorprender de todos los tutoriales que hay disponibles online.

Hope you like my creation, I have intended to write a tutorial to show you how I
make these necklaces, they are easy to make when we have taught the technique
and the tools needed. These tutorials are on my list of things to do for the
blog, you can not imagine how long it is my list, but gradually I will show
things that I finished.

Thanks for your visit, I love to receive your comments, now back to my passion

..... "create", I think I would have to be called my blog, passion and creation,
I discovered that I love to create with everything that falls into my hands and
I love it!

Ojala les guste mi creación, tengo como objetivo de escribir un tutorial para
mostrar como hago los collares, son fáciles de hacer cuando nos han enseñado la
técnica y los útiles necesarios . EStos tutoriales están en mi lista de cosas a
hacer para el blog, no se imaginan lo larga que es mi lista, pero poco a poco
les voy mostrando cosas que voy terminando.
Gracias por vuestra visita, me gusta mucho recibir vuestros comentarios, ahora

de vuelta a mi pasión....."crear" ,  creo que yo tendría que haber llamado mi
blog , pasión  y creación,  he descubierto que me encanta crear con todo lo que
cae en mis manos y me encanta!



  1. I love it all! Very nice! I imagine that it must take a lot of patience to do this kind of work. The beads you used are really pretty!


  2. It's beautifully made Marisa. Looks so professional as if it was from a top jewelers shop. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Marisa,Lucky mother in law!!! You really should write that tutorial!!!I would love to make jewelry like that!!!!
    Have a great week!!!

  4. C'est vraiment très réussi, la couleur me plait beaucoup.

  5. Good Morning Marisa, Oh, I agree, I am exactly the same, if I have a reason to go shopping then the experience is so much nicer.
    The beautiful gun metal grey beads you have chosen are just lovely and I really do love the design of all three pieces. I have never made jewellery although I love sewing with beads and after seeing your lovely work, I think I would like to try to make my own jewellery.
    Maybe when you are not so busy, you will write a tutorial to show us what tools we need to begin making our own jewellery.
    Have a lovely day,
    Best Wishes

  6. Looks wonderful Marisa. You have a great touch for make jewelry.

  7. Hi Marisa! Congratulations on making the featured blogger over at Sew Darn Crafty!!! Not surprised though, your creations are just beautiful!! =)

  8. I am absolutely in love with the ring! your mother in law is super lucky!

  9. Beautiful jewellery, Marisa - your mother-in-law is a lucky lady :)

  10. I love gray pearls and I think it looks beautiful esp the ring


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