
Friday, September 27, 2013

The Little Bow Pleat Clutch and a pattern giveaway !

Some time ago I discovered a beautiful designer, her name is Samantha , from the
blog "At home with Mrs H", I discovered her blog through a dear bloggy friend
Maria from Mia's Creations and since then I always wanted to be a tester for
Today I'm writing a special post,because
I had the joy of being accepted into her group of testers and here I show you  
the new model just released by At home with Mrs H.... this one, was tested by me.

Hace algún tiempo descubrí una hermosa diseñadora de carteras, su nombre es
Samantha, del blog "At home with Mrs  H", descubrí su blog a través de una gran
amiga, su nombre es Maria del  blog  Mia's creations y desde entonces siempre
quise ser tester de los bolsos de  Samantha!
Hoy voy a escribir un post especial, les quiero contar que he tenido la alegría de ser aceptado en su grupo de testers y aquí os muestro el nuevo modelo que acaba de publicar "At home with Mrs  H" ... éste es el que yo hice.
This little bow pleat pattern is beautiful, Samantha explains very well the
different steps to make this bag, inside this little bag there is a pocket with
a zipper. And while I  haven't added handles, in the pattern you will find the 
explanations for those wanting to add handles. Everything is there.
The finished bag measures approximately 8.5" x 6.5" (21cm x 16.5cm) and features mitred corners, a cute bow with a pleat cascading down from the centre and a magnetic clasp closure.
Este  patrón es simplemente  hermoso, Samantha explica muy bien los
diferentes pasos para hacer este bolso, dentro de este pequeño bolso hay un bolsillo con una cremallera. Y aunque yo no he añadido asas en mi bolso, en el patron ustedes encontraran las explicaciones  para aquellos que estem interesados en  añadir asas. 
La bolsa terminada mide aproximadamente 8.5 "x 6.5" (21 cm x 16,5 cm) y cuenta con esquinas cuadradas,  un pliegue en cascada desde el centro y cierre magnético.

I have to thanks Samantha  because of her  generosity, she has allowed me and
her testers to do a giveaway of her new pattern, after having chosen a winner, she's going to send the pattern for free.
Tengo que agradecer a Samantha por su generosidad, ella me ha permitido a mi y a todos
sus testers de hacer un sorteo para ganar  su nuevo patrón, una vez elegido el ganador  ella les va a enviar el patron  sin costo.
....surely you are wondering
Seguramente ustedes se estan preguntando
1)Who can participate?
Quien puede participar?
All people around the world who come to my blog, can participate. No need to be
a follower of my blog, but if you are a follower, or if you follow me by email
you  will have an extra entry.
Todas las personas de todo el mundo que vienen a mi blog, pueden participar. No hay necesidad de ser un seguidor de mi blog, pero si usted es un seguidor, o si me sigues por correo electrónico usted tendrá una oportunidad  adicional.
2) How to enter:
Como participar
In order to enter the giveaway I'll ask you to leave me  a comment, here comes
the interesting part, if you are a follower, let me another comment to let me
know that you are a follower of this blog, this gives a second entry, and if you
follow me by email, leave another comment for a 3rd entry.
Only 3 entries per person
For those of you who don't know how to comment, please click where it says
comments at the end of this page. It will open a window, then  in the lower part
of this window, you will find the space where you can leave the message.
 After writing your message you must "Choose an identity" and then you will be
able to "Publish your comment".
Contact info:Please make sure that I can contact you if you win, if you are not
a follower, leave your email with your comment!If you are a blogger, please
check that you are a reply blogger. If  I can't  contact you, I will have to
choose another winner.


Para entrar en el sorteo yo voy a pedir que me deje un comentario, aquí viene
la parte interesante, si usted es un seguidor, me puede dejar otro comentario para dejarme saber que usted es un seguidor de este blog y  esto le da una segunda entrada al sorteo, y si me sigue por correo electrónico, me puede dejar otro comentario para una  tercera entrada.
 Sólo 3 entradas por persona
 Para aquellos de ustedes que no saben cómo hacer comentarios, por favor haga clic en donde dice "comments" al final de esta página. Se abrirá una ventana, y luego en la parte inferiorde esta ventana, se encuentra el espacio donde se puede dejar el mensaje.
 Después de escribir su mensaje debe "Elegir una identidad" y entonces será capaz de "Publicar un comentario".
Datos de contacto: Por favor, asegúrate de que yo pueda ponerme en contacto contigo  si ganas, si no eres un seguidor, deja tu correo electrónico con tu comentario! Si eres un blogger, por favor comprueba que te puedo responder. Si no puedo contactar la persona ganadora, tendré que elegir otro ganador.
3) When does it end?
Cuando se termina ?
You can participate until Thursday October 3 and I will announce the winner on
Friday, October 4.
Se puede participar hasta el jueves 03 de octubre y voy a anunciar el ganador en
Viernes, 04 de octubre.
Wait a minute, please do not go yet I have still more things to tell you. If you
have interest in this pattern, you still can visit the other testers as they are
also doing the giveaway of this pattern, you will find all the testers that have
participated at Samantha's blog, click here
If you've already purchased the "Bow Pleat Pattern" tote before and you are
interested now in this pattern "The little Bow Pleat", Samantha is offering this
pattern as part of a discounted price 2 pack with the regular bow pleat tote.
 The link for the 2 pack is here
Un momento, por favor no te vayas todavía.... tengo todavía más cosas que
decirte. Si tienes interés en este patrón, y quieres tener mas oportunidades para  ganar,   puede visitar los otros testers, ya que ellos
 también hacen un giveaway  de este patron, para encontrar todos los testers que
estan participando haz  click aqui

Si ya has comprado el patron Bow Pleat Pattern  antes y a ti te
interesa ahora  este patrón de The Little Bow Pleat, Samantha está ofreciendo
patrón como parte de un precio de paquete con descuento , tienes que visitar su
etsy shop y dejarle un mensaje para que te de un codigo de reduccion del
precio....espero que esto este para aquellos que han comprado
anteriormente el primer patron.
El enlace hacia el etsy
For those of you who can't wait to win the giveaway and want to buy it to begin
this beautiful clutch bag today, the pattern is listed and up for sale here.
shop esta aqui.
Para aquellos de ustedes que no pueden esperar a ganar el sorteo y quieren comprarlo para ya empezar a hacer esta hermosa bolsa hoy mismo, el patrón está en venta aquí

Good luck to all ... I look forward to your comments!!!
Marisa :)


  1. Very classy timeless design! This should be in a fashion mag.

  2. Hi I love this bag and it is so pretty!
    Julie from

  3. Marisa you did a beautiful job making this bag and I love your fabric choice too. I just tested a bag for Chris W. Designs, which is my first time testing a bag for a bag designer too.

  4. Love this! Thanks for the giveaway. Love your blog and designs.

  5. I love your bag Marisa it's so classy looking.

  6. Sweet clutch bag! Thanks for the opportunity to win the pattern! Love the bow!

  7. Oh this is classy! I love your designs :)


  8. Good Evening Marisa, How wonderful to have the opportunity to become a Tester for Samantha and to be able to make such a beautiful bag. I would use the blue bag for the evening and the black and white bag during the day. The blue bag has a 1950's elegant feel to it.
    How wonderful of Samantha to share this pattern as a giveaway. It's very exciting that this is a worldwide giveaway and the added bonus is 3rd October is my 43rd Wedding Anniversary.
    Best Wishes to you,

  9. Good Evening Marisa, This comment is my second entry and to let you know that I am a follower of yours.
    Best Wishes

  10. Another great bag from Samantha!

  11. Oh wow...lovely the bow in the front....beautiful. :)

  12. Me encanta el bolso, lo veo muy bien hecho, unas telas muy bonitas y muy elegante.
    Te sigo. Un Beso Guapa!!

  13. I'm excited and would love to be entered in the giveaway. The purse is beautiful love the pattern. I'll share about the giveaway on social outlets...Thanks!

  14. How beautiful and elegant, love your clutch! White and black are one of my favorite combinations! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  15. Thank you for inviting me to your blog from Google +. I love your bag post and would love to win or purchase the pattern.

  16. OH I LOVE THIS BAG! So cute, trendy yet classic! Would love the pattern!
    Thanks for letting me know about this!
    I will check out her blog!

    ps Marisa, you did a fantastic job sewing up this little clutch!

  17. I have just joined your e-mail list and blog group.
    I love this cute bow evening purse. It would be a great gift to make and give to a special grown daughter, sister or friend.

  18. I have just joined your e-mail list and blog group.
    I love this cute bow evening purse. It would be a great gift to make and give to a special grown daughter, sister or friend.


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!