
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Bibs applique

During the month of January 2012 our family grew, we have a new family member, my cousin had an adorable baby and obviously I thought it would be a nice opportunity to create some bibs to give her.
Durant le mois de Janvier 2012, notre famille s'est agrandie, nous avons un nouveau membre dans la  famille, ma cousine a eu un bébé adorable et, évidemment, je pensais que ce serait une belle occasion de créer des bavettes à lui donner.

 I made these bibs  in the hoop, I  bought these set long ago from smart needle embroidery designs,  but are still there and this is the link if you want to see more pictures,  the direct link is here

Ces bavettes sont faites dans le cerceau, j'ai acheté ce ensemble il ya longtemps de smart needle embroidery designs , mais ils sont toujours là, le lien direct est ici

The set provides instructions and numerous photos. What I found long was the color changes  that   I had to do, between 14 to 15 color changes to complete each project, but it was worth, they are adorable. Here are more pictures I want to share with you.

 L'ensemble apporte des instructions et de nombreuses photos. Ce que j'ai trouvé long était les  changement de couleur que je devais faire, entre 14 à 15 changements de couleur pour compléter le projet, mais cela valait la peine, ils sont adorables.
 Voici les photos que je veux partager avec vous.

An adorable cow
           Une vache adorable

                                                              Un Beau chien.
                                                                                 A beautiful dog                                       

                    A sweet girafe
                       Une belle girafe

I hope you enjoyed these bibs, in my next post I'll show you a new bag that I ended up with two interchangeable covers.
Comments and followers are always welcome, I love reading your comments !!!

Have a nice day and see you soon.

J'espère que vous avez aimé ces bavettes dans ma prochaine publication je vais vous montrer un nouveau sac que j'ai fini avec deux coques interchangeables.
Commentaires et followers sont toujours les bienvenus, j'adore lire vos commentaires!!!!
Je vous souhaite  une belle journée et a bientôt.


  1. These are the most adorable bibs I have ever seen. Congratulations on the new family member.

  2. Those are so neat, and original great work!


  3. These are just so so cute! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  4. These are jsut tooo stinken cute!!! I love them and you did a beautiful job on them!! I know alot of baby mommys who'd love them!!


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!