
Monday, July 1, 2013

My knitted hat!

I made my first knitted hat, I am so proud that I  have completed this project.
Obviously I could not do it alone, so far the only thing I can do with two knitting  needles  , is  make scarves, but this time I took it as a challenge and I did it!

I have a bloggy friend who always inspires me with her creations, this friend 
is  Daryl from the blog "Patchouli Moon Studio",
 I invite you to visit her blog where you will find much  inspiration.
It was admiring her beautiful creations
that I decided to take an online course.

 I like particularly Craftsy courses, so I signed up to the course  from  Stefanie Japel, Hats Four Ways and following her class,
 I managed to make this hat!
Hice mi primer sombrero tejido con dos agujas, hace tiempo que queria hacer uno asi,y les puedo decir que  me siento orgullosa de haber terminado este proyecto.
Evidentemente no lo pude hacer sola, hasta ahora lo único que he
podido hacer usando dos agujas, eran bufandas, pero esta vez lo tomé como un desafío y lo hice!
Les gusta?
Tengo una  amiga blogger que siempre me inspira con sus creaciones y es Daryl de el blog "Patchouli Moon Studio", los invito a visitar su blog donde encontraran un monton de inspiración.
Fué admirando sus hermosas creaciones que me decidí a tomar un
curso online. A mi me gustan en particular los cursos de Craftsy, así que me
inscribí al curso de Stefanie Japel , "Hats Four Ways" y siguiendo sus
instrucciones, logré realizar el sombrero que estan viendo.
I have no affiliation with Craftsy, but I am a satisfied customer. Still not finished watching all the videos of this course, I thought it would be easier for me to focus on making a hat at a time, so watching the first videos I finished my "Sweet Pea Hat"

No tengo ninguna afiliación con craftsy, pero soy un cliente satisfecho.
Todavía no terminé de ver todos los videos de este curso, pensé que seria mas
fácil para mi concentrarme en hacer un sombrero a la vez, así que mirando los
primeros videos logré terminar mi "Sweet Pea Hat".

I learned to knit with circular needles, this is something that for me was
always a mystery and learned to make decreases, this was an adventure for me!.
I'll give you the link where you will find more information about this course,
the link is here. In this link you will find the page where are the knitting
classes, the course that I took to make this hat is the "Circular knit lab, Hats
for ways" from Stefanie Japel.

Aprendí a tejer con agujas circulares,esto es  algo que para mi siempre fué un
misterio y aprendí también a hacer disminuciones,
esto fué toda una Aventura !.

Les voy a dar el enlace  donde ustedes van a encontrar  mas información acerca
de  este curso , el enlace esta aquí. En este enlace  ustedes van a encontrar la
pagina donde están las clases que muestran proyectos de tejido.
El curso que yo tomé para hacer este
sombrero es el  "Circular knit lab, Hats for ways" de Stefanie Japel.

Hope you like my hat, I finished it in summer so I'll leave it ready for use
within a couple of months, in the meantime I'm doing more creations with wool
and  jewellery projects.

Since I started this blog I learned a variety of techniques and I always try to
find something new to share with you. One of the things I'm learning now to do
is Free Form! Has anyone heard of this? It's Fascinating, using crochet,
knitting and create freely, without patterns, the total freedom.
  I started to create something , in free form is called "Scrumbles" . I will
give you my pinterest board , there,  you  will find some creations  made ​​in free
form, you will have an idea of ​​what I'm doing now.
 Here is the link!

On the other side  my daughter is on vacation now and she told me that she wants to learn to make
necklaces, bracelets and rings. for this reason I am doing some creations with
her, learning at the same time and  I hope that I will show on future posts 
what we have done so far.

Ojala les guste, yo  terminé este sombrero  en verano así que lo dejare pronto
para usar  dentro de un par de meses, entre tanto estoy haciendo otros proyectos usando lana y estoy creando joyas.

 Desde que comencé este blog he aprendido una
gran variedad de técnicas y siempre trato de descubrir algo nuevo para compartir con ustedes.

Una de las cosas que estoy aprendiendo actualmente a hacer es Free Form!!
Alguien ha escuchado hablar de esto? Es fascinante , usar crochet, tejido con dos agujas y crear libremente, sin patrones, la libertad total.

He empezado a crear lo que en free form llaman "Scrumbles", les voy a dar mi board de pinterest donde van a encontrar creaciones hechas en free form, ustedes van a tener una idea de que estoy haciendo ahora.
Este es el enlace

Por otro lado  mi hija ahora esta de vacaciones y ella me  dijo que quería
aprender a hacer collares , pulseras y anillos,  por lo cual en este momento
tambien  estoy haciendo algunas creaciones con ella, en los próximos post 
espero poder mostrarles  a ustedes lo que hemos realizado hasta ahora.

See you soon.
Nos vemos pronto.


I'm linking my project to Sew Darn CraftyThreading My Way, The Chicken Chick, Monday Funday at Mel's Daisy Patch Crochet , Clippie Dips, Memories by the Mile,  Trendy Treehouse ( Create and Share), Fluster's Creative  Muster, My Turn ( for us) , The Hibiscus House, and  Inspire Me Monday.


  1. WOW!! Well done Marisa - the hat is fabulous! Love the pom pom on the back. I'm going to take a look at this Scrumbles - sounds like my kind of crocheting and knitting! Thanks for the links!

  2. I love your hat! Love the color yarn you used too! I really want to learn to do that! I have tried knitting before but I cannot get my stitches uniform in size...your hat makes me want to try again! Great job!

  3. hermoso tu sombrero, te felicito. yo hace como 20 años que no hago 2 agujas. el enlace super interesante. gracias por compartirlo

  4. I loved the hat in the first picture and then when I saw the tassel on the end I loved it more! So cute! I want to learn to crochet so thank you for the links!

  5. Oh, I like the hat immensely and the color is one of my favorites. Beautiful, I need to learn to knit but I enjoy crocheting alot. Can't wait to do some more in my free time to come. lol

  6. You're obviously very talented if this is your first attempt. I love the hanging pompom. So cute. It's great when our daughters enjoy doing crafts that we love with us I'm sure you'll have loads of fun together. Thanks for the links.

  7. WOW!!! You've done a great job on your first knitted hat, Marisa. Love the colour and the pom pom.

  8. Wow, your first knitted hat is great. I'm amazed you did so well being it was an online class. Maybe I should take that one? I already have 3 classes I need to finish from them but once I do that I'll definitely put this one on my wishlist.

  9. Hi Marisa,What a lovely hat!!!Love the pompom at the back!!!It's really sooo cooool!! Have a great day!!!

  10. Oh Marisa I am so proud of you for making and finishing your first knitted hat! And you added a great pom-pom. Your stitching looks perfect
    too. Thanks for the shout out and I was so glad to have inspired you my friend.

    I took a peek at the link on the free form crochet and that looks like fun. I think that's something I might need to try. Looking forward to seeing what free form you will create. Now I need to repin some of those to my Pinterest too.

  11. Your hat is totally cute!!
    You can add knitting to your expertise!! That pompom is irresistible!


  12. A great job on your first hat! I love the circular needles and even use them for projects that don't need them when knitting in the car.

  13. You are SO talented Marisa!

    Great job!



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