
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Wavy Top Tote.

My daughter is in love with the zebra print, and I know it because  I've painted zebra
print bands using a stencil in her room , I also made photo frames using the zebra print as
image.....So the perfect accessory for her, has to be a bag with a fabric that
has a zebra print. Yes, that is a good idea... so I made ​​this bag to her, she is
in love with the bag and I I'm happy to see that she liked so much.
Mi hija esta enamorada del zebra print, en su cuarto le he pintado bandas de
zebra print usando un stencil, también le preparé marcos para  fotos  y usé  el
zebra print como imagen. Considerando todo eso el accesorio perfecto para ella, 
tiene que ser un bolso hecho con una tela que tenga un zebra print. Si, eso
es... y le hecho este bolso a ella, ella esta enamorada de el bolso y yo  estoy
feliz de ver que a ella le ha gustado tanto.
You can find the pattern for this bag in Bethany's blog. She has written the
tutorial to make this bag into  several parts,  and while she has created two
varieties of her bag,I made a third version......  this time I did not add
pockets to the outside and I really like how it looks.
Click here to go to Bethany's blog, Sweet Bee Buzzings's blog.

Ustedes pueden encontrar el patrón para realizar este bolso en el blog de
Bethany. Ella a escrito el tutorial para hacer este bolso en varias partes y si
bien ella ha creado dos variedades de su patrón, yo hice una tercera variante, 
esta vez yo no agregué bolsillos al exterior y me gusta mucho como me ha
Si quieren visitar el blog   de Bethany  ( Sweet Bee Buzzings's blog )y obtener el  tutorial,  hagan click aquí 

If you want to see pictures of my first Wavy bag, they are here. 
Si quieren ver fotos de mi primera Wavy bag, estan aqui
Here in Quebec it's summer and the flowers in my garden are in full explosion of
colors. Normally I do not post pictures of me, but I want to share with you this photos,
the colors of these flowers really inspires me.
 Thanks for your visit, I hope you liked my purse and that you enjoyed this



Por aqui en Quebec estamos en  verano  y las flores de mi jardin estan en plena
explosion de colores.  Normalmente no pongo fotos mias , pero quiero compartir
con ustedes esta foto, los colores de todas estas flores me inspira realmente.
Gracias por vuestra visita , espero que  les haya gustado mi bolso y  que hayan
disfrutado de este post.

See you soon :)

Nos vemos pronto:)



  1. Hi Marisa, I also love this print, your daugter's bag is really gorgeous!
    Here in Lisbon/Portugal we have wonderful summer time too.Lovely pics of your garden, thanks for sharing!
    Happy Summer!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  2. Hi Merissa, The bag is just beautiful!!! The style also suits the material!!!Your garden looks happy and colorful!!!! Have a great week!!!

  3. Great minds think alike Marisa. I'm about to cut out a Wavy Tote Bag tomorrow for a customer but it's not going to be as nice as yours. Your fabric choice is beautiful, your daughter should be over the moon with it. Love your garden, so colourful and cheerful, no wonder your happy.

  4. Awesome bag!! Love the zebra print! =) Great job!

  5. Bella all the way around! Both the bag and the nature photos are inspired. That's how to do it mujer!!! BB2U

  6. Great bag Marisa - and your garden looks fabulous! So many pretty flowers!

  7. very nice bag with superb designs..

  8. A beautiful bag, Marisa and so is your garden!!! Lots of colour with all those flowers. Good to see a photo of you!

  9. J'adore le sac !!! J'ai toujours aimé les motifs noirs et blancs zébrés.(L)

  10. It is a beautiful bag!!!
    I will share it on my Pinterest.
    Under Haute' Bags I Like.
    Sharing is caring.
    Your detail and stitching is perfect.
    I find sewing my handbags straight stitches through thick fabric is hard to do.
    Ms. Scarlet Faith

  11. Beautiful bag and flowers !

  12. I love your bag and your garden!
    The bag looks very professional especially the inside zip pocket. Well done!

  13. Beautiful bag Marisa! I love those coneflowers in your garden too.

  14. Great bag! Lovely print. Beautiful flowers too :) x

  15. Fabulous bag and I love that you made it without the outside pockets. Stunning flowers in your garden and you look great too :)

  16. You made such a cool bag. Will you open a shop for bags soon :)? Thanks for sharing at CAL link party!

  17. Hi ,I am dropping by after you said hi on my blog....I think your work is superb .now following back.Anne

  18. Hi Marisa! Lovely work on the bag! It'great, no wonder you daughter loves it.

  19. Hola Marisa, he encontrado tu blog por casualidad y me parece fantástico. Asi que desde ahora te sigo para no perderme ninguna de tus entradas.
    Un saludo desde el sur de España.
    M. Santos


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