
Friday, September 20, 2013

Are you a No-Reply Blogger?

Every so often I receive a message from a bloggy friend to tell me that I am a
no reply blogger. The most unbelievable is that I have to check my status at
least once a month, because since I switched to Google+, my status changed
without warning.
The first thing you have to do is verify if you are a reply or no reply blogger,
to know this,is simple, visit your blog and leave a comment on one of your post
( you will delete later). Then when you receive the comment in your mail, find
your comment notification and look for the sender address . If you see the
return address as “”, you have to change your status!

The necessary changes are not the same depending whether you have  a
Blogger Profile or Google+ Profile
but  don't worry.....the solution is here!
The good news is that many bloggers have created tutorials to help correct this
problem, although there are many online tutorials, today I want to share with
you a link to the blog of "Fluster Buster" her tutorial is very well explained,
and is the I blog I visit every time I have to correct my situation.
I leave the link for you HERE
Do not forget to check your status every so often, I now do it once a month and when a good bloggy friend tells me!
Marisa :)


  1. Hi and thanks for this. I have tried 2 times to change my status & I get confused all the time & it never works for me. Is it really bad to be a no reply blogger?
    Julie from

  2. I too have had this happen! so now I just comment on m own blog posts every now and then to double check I'm still really me! :-) the most embarrassing thing was that I was telling my readers on a blog post about this very thing when one of them left me a comment to tell me that I had arrived on their blog comments as a no reply blogger - how embarrassing!

  3. During my giveaway I had several no-reply bloggers. It seems we are always having to let people know about this, but Google+ is what seems to make it change for some reason. A good point Marisa to check your status once in a while too.

  4. Ha! I've just been catching up on my comments from last week and noticed your settings had changed to no-reply again when I went to reply to your comment. I just popped over to tell you and found this post!! I've just had to change mine again too! Most frustrating!!

  5. Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your crochet elephants on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 172
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. Hi, I just want to thanks for doing this post! I was able to fix my blog yesterday due to the tutorial! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Julie from

  7. Test to know if I' m a non reply blogger !!!!


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!