
Friday, October 4, 2013

Today I want to share with you a beautiful and fast project, also the result of the giveaway...

And  the winner of the little bow pleat pattern is...
But before giving the result I want to show the little chickens I've been doing.
Actually they are juggling chooks, but I
want to use them  as decoration in my sewing room. 
I filled them with  oat seeds, so as the cooler days begin, I'm going to heat
them  in the microwave and warm my hands with them.
Here I show the pictures I've taken.
Un proyecto hermoso y rapido, tambien  comparto con ustedes el resultado del
sorteo, el ganador del patron de el bolso "the  little bow pleat"  es..

Un momento por favor, antes de darles el resultado del sorteo, quiero mostrarles las gallinitas que he estado  haciendo.
En realidad son para jugar y hacer malavarismo , pero yo las quiero usar como decoración en mi sala de costura. Yo las rellené con semillas de avena, de esta manera cuando los dias frios comiencen, las voy a calentar en el microondas y podré calentar mis manos con ellas.
 Aqui les muestro las fotos que he tomado.

This project is not my idea, I found this project  when I visited
As I said earlier is a project that is done very fast, is a way to use fabric
scraps, you only need a rectangle of 10 x 20 cm of fabric ( 4"x8"inches)
The tutorial is well explained, with many pictures that facilitate the
realization of the project, the link to the Red Ted Art's blog is here.
  Here I leave you with more pictures and with the draw.


Este proyecto no es una idea mia, la inspiracion la encontré mientras estaba
visitando el  sitio Red Ted Art's blog 
Como dije anteriormente es un proyecto que se realiza muy rápido, es una manera
de usar restos de tela, solo se necesita un rectangulo de 10 x 20 cm de tela o
4"x8" pulgadas .
El tutorial esta muy bien  explicado, con muchas fotos que facilitan la
realización del proyecto, el enlace hacia the Red Ted Art's blog, esta aqui. 
Aqui los dejo con mas fotos y con el resultado del sorteo.


The winner of the beautiful little bow pleat pattern is...

El ganador de este hermoso patron es ...

I have the honor to congratulate Julie Corbisiero , you are the one who left the comment number 2  !!!!!


 Julie I will get in contact with you via email, congratulations again!

La ganadora de este sorteo es Julie Corbisiero, tu has sido la persona que dejo el comentario numero dos.
Julie voy a entrar en contacto contigo via email !

I want to say thanks again to everyone who participated!!
Gracias a todos aquellos que han participado, les deseo a todos un hermoso dia!!!
Have a nice day!



  1. Adorable chickens!! What a cute project, I will have to go over and check it out!

  2. Congratulations Julie!
    I love your flock of chickens!

  3. Hi Marisa, thanks so much for picking me for winning! Have a nice weekend. I sent to you my email address.
    Julie from

  4. Congratulations to Julie! Those little chickens are adorable, I really like them!

  5. Congratulations to Julie. I love those chooks and they're fun to make.

  6. Well, I just love your little chickens too! Adorable!

  7. These chickens are so cute. I'd love to make them as pincushions for my sewing room. Thanks for the link and congratulations to Julie.

  8. Those chickens are cute as a group. I have made a couple of those years ago and they were fun to make.

  9. Marisa, me encantan, son preciosos!!

  10. OH Marissa those chooks are so cute! I have to make myself some of those! Thanks for the link.

  11. I just love those chickens they are so cute.
    Donna from Blackberry Winter Crafts.

  12. The chickens are gorgeous! You do fantastic things. I will follow your blog to be inspired. I'm putting the first steps in sewing :)


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!