
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Repurposing an old pair of denim to a bag.

With great joy and enthusiasm I am again in this beautiful world of blogger. The summer has gone so fast, I have not had time to do what I like ... share my creations with you  and visit my blogger friends.
I  was knitting, crocheting and sewing. I have several projects in my camera, and I'll upload them to the blog in the coming days
Today I want to show you my new bag, I made ​​it from an old pair of denim.
I did it with the idea of selling it, I always have this dream of opening my Etsy shop, hopefully I can make that dream this year.
At the end of the photos, I'll give the link to a You Tube video that helped me make this beautiful bag. What you will need is a pair of jeans, a shirt and a bit of inspiration.
Here are the photos I  have taken  today to share with you, I hope you like them!

If you want more ideas for recycling jeans, my bloggy friend Pam from Threading my way's blog wrote a post in which there is a beautiful variety of projects, with much honor I can tell you that you will find three of my tutorials.
Here is the link to the post.
Con mucha alegría y entusiasmo estoy otra vez en este hermoso mundo de blogger.
El verano ha pasado  muy rápido,  no he tenido tiempo de hacer lo que mas me
gusta...compartir con ustedes mis creaciones y  visitar mis amigos bloggers.

Estuve tejiendo, haciendo crochet y también costura. Tengo varios proyectos en
mi cámara  de fotos,  y los voy a subir al blog en los próximos días.

Hoy les quiero mostrar a ustedes  mi nuevo bolso, lo hice a partir de un viejo par de jeans.
Lo hice con la idea de venderlo , yo siempre tengo ese sueño de abrir mi Etsy
shop,  ojala  ese sueño  lo pueda realizar este año.
Al final de las fotos,  les daré el enlace hacia un video de you tube que me
ayudo a confeccionar este hermoso bolso. Necesite un par de jeans, una camisa y
un poco de inspiración.
Aquí  van  las fotos que tome hoy para compartir con ustedes, ojala les  gusten!
Si quieren mas ideas para reciclar jeans, mi amiga Pam del blog Threading my
Way escribió  una publicacion en la  cual hay una hermosa variedad de proyectos, con
mucho honor les puedo decir que ustedes encontraran tres de mis tutorials en su publicacion.
El enlace hacia el video en You Tube esta AQUI
Les deseo un hermoso dia, les agradezco por su visita y espero con muchas ganas
sus comentarios.
I wish you a nice day, thank you for your visit and am looking forward to
your comments.
Have a happy sewing day!

I'm linking to Crafty Allie Pinterest Party and Threading My Way( bags and totes link party).
I'm linking also to Patchouli Moon Studio, The button to visit the party is at the end.

Patchouli Moon Studio's Weekend Link Party


  1. Love, love, love your jeans bag, Marisa!!! The zippers at an angle and going through the seams... perfect.

  2. Wow it's been a long time my friend, so glad that you are back! I love your denim bag and the cute zipper flower is perfect added touch! I hope to see more of your postings soon Marisa.

  3. Love this! Very nice! I too recycle jeans and other gently worn clothing items and make them into bags.

  4. Me encanta como te ha quedado el bolso, muy bonito!!!
    A mi me gustan mucho los reciclajes de vaqueros, ya he hecho algunos bolsos con 'jeans' y no descarto hacer otros.
    Besos guapa y buena semana.

  5. Great embellishment on the bag, Marisa!

  6. Nice and original bag !
    Have a great weekend !

  7. Te devolvemos la visita y te hemos de decir que haces cosas muy bonitas, este bolso está genial. Te seguimos. :D

  8. Gracias por entrar en mi rinconcito y tus bonitas palabras te sigo yo tambien para no perderme nada me ha encantado tu blog!besos

  9. Hi Marisa, I've featured your fab bag today...

  10. I have been meaning to do this for a long time. Thanks for the inspiration. Nice Job. Found you at ThreadingMyWay.
    I was featured this week too, :)

  11. Welcome back Marisa. I've missed your creations. This one is beautiful, great way to make a comeback.

  12. Hi Marisa
    I have just started sewing and I found your blog through the Threading My Way linky party.
    I love this idea!! I love the addition of the fabric belt and buckle etc. The added embellishments really make this something special.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Michelle :o)


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!