
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Embroidery Cutwork Needle Kit

La semaine passée j'ai pris un cours de cutwork et comme c'est quelque chose de relativement nouveau (au moins pour moi) j'ai décidé de prendre des photos durant la réalisation de la broderie et de  partager avec vous la technique.
Pour le cutwork j'ai utilisé le disque 235 de Huskvarna, et le Embroidey Cutwork Needle Kit.
Last week I took a class of cutwork with the new embroidery cutwork needle kit and since it is something relatively new (at least for my) I decided to take photos during the accomplishment of the embroidery and that way to share with you the technique.
I did my project with the disc 235 of Huskvarna and the Embroidey Cutwork Needle Kit.

Avant de commencer j'ai choisi le fil  (dans mon cas j'ai utilisé madeira couleur 1001, 40wt) et ai préparé 3 bobines avec le même fil.
J'ai utilisé une aiguille  de broderie # 75, une pied de broderie et j'ai coupé un morceau d'entoilage Aqua-magique de la taille de mon cerceau ( 240mm x 150mm). Finalment j'ai installé tout dans le cercle et c'est parti...
Je vais mettre les pas à suivre en fonction des changements de couleur des fils qui va demander la machine á broder.
Passons à l'action, puisque le plus joli commence maintenant.

I began for choosing the thread, in my case I used madeira color 1001, 40wt and I prepared 3 bobbin cases with the same thread.
I used a embroidery needle #75,an embroidery foot  and I cut a piece of water soluble stabilizer (Aqua-magique ).Finally I put the stabilizer and the tablerunner in the hoop and now it was time to start the embroidery.
I am going to put the steps to be followed according to the changes of color of the threads that the embroidery machine is going to ask for it.
Let's go on to the action, since the prettiest thing begins now.


Couleur 1: C'est ne pas necessaire de le broder.Quand j'ai  commencé la broderie j'ai  passé
directement à la couleur 2, puisque la première couleur est pour le positionnement de la broderie
si nous voulons utiliser la fonction endless hoop
Color 1: skip it,when  I began the embroidery I went directly to the color 2 since the first color
is for the positioning of the embroidery if we want to use the function endless hoop.

                                                                     COULEUR 2       
Couleur 2; :Quand nous terminons de broder la couleur 2, la machine va s'arrêter et va nous
avertir qu'il y ait un changement de couleur, en ce moment nous devons changer l'aiguille de
broderie pour la première aiguille du kit de cutwork qui est l'aiguille rouge

Color 2: When we end to embroider with the color 2, the machine is going to stop and is going to warn us that there is a change of color, at this moment we have to change the embroidery needle for the first needle of
the  cutwork needle kit which is the red needle.
                                                           COULEUR 3

Couleur 3 :La couleur  3 est pour utiliser l'aiguille qui va commencer á couper le tissu, il ne faut pas oublier de enlever le fil complètement.

Color 3 :The color 3 is the needle which is going to begin  to cut the fabric, you should not
forget to remove the thread completely.

                                                         COULEUR 4
Couleur 4 quand la machine va nous demander de faire le changement de couleur on doit changer
d'aiguille, c'est le moment d'insérer l'aiguille de couleur jaune cette aiguille  va continuer á
couper le tissu,
Quand nous terminons avec la couleur 4 nous allons glisser  un entoilage soluble á l'eau sous la
broderie, j'ai utilisé ULTRASOLVY.

Color 4:  when the machine is going to ask us to make the change of color, we have to change the needle, it is the moment to insert the  yellow needle from the cutwork kit.
When we end with the color 4 we  going to slide a soluble stabilizer  underneath the hoop, I used

                                                              COULEUR 5
Couleur 5, Enlever l'aiguille de cutwork et insérer a nouveau l'aiguille de broderie pour broder la
 couleur 5. A ce moment la machine va faire comme un fix pour mantenir en place l'entoilage
que nous avons ajouté au-dessous du cercle.

Color 5, Remove the cutwork needle of  and  insert the  embroidery needle. At this moment the machine is going to make a fix ( to fix the stabilizer that we just added underneath the hoop)

                                                            COULEUR 6
Couleur 6:  la broderie continue......
Quand la machine va s'arrêter c'est le moment d'enlever le cercle de la machine et d'enlever le tissu qui  a été coupé avec les aiguilles. Les pièces en tissu seront seulement fixées par quelques fibres. Après avoir enlevé toutes les pièces, il faut insérer le cerceau et nous terminons la broderie.

Color 6, the embroidery continues...
When the machine is going to stop it is the moment to remove the hoop  and  remove the fabric that  was cut with the cutwork needles. The fabric  will be only fixed by some fibers. When all the fabric has been removed  is time to insert the hoop and we finish the embroidery.

Dans l'un des yahoo groups  ont demandé si les aiguilles se plaçaient dans une position particulière en realité l'aiguille se place dans la machine á coudre comme d'habitude. Dans le disque de Huskvarna toutes les informations sont très bien expliquées et c'est convenable de lire toutes les instructions avant de commencer.

In one of the yahoo groups they asked if the needles were placed in a particular position or if it was necessary to rotate them, the needle is placed in the sewing machine like always. On Huskvarna's disc all the information is very well explained, it is suitable to read all the instructions before beginning.

C'est mon premier tutorial et ma première tentative de faire une description d'une tecnique en Français et en Anglais. S'il y a des fautes d'orthographe je demande des excuses puisque j'ai essayé d'écrire ce texte le meilleur que j'ai pu.

This is my  first tutorial   and my first attempt to make a description in French and in English .
If there are spelling mistakes I ask for excuses because I tried to write this text the best which I was able to.

Merci pour votre visite, thanks for your visite!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is an excellent tutorial, Marisa! I have just purchased a cutwork disk from Viking as well as the needles but have been hesitant to try it. Now I have the courage to go ahead with it. Your table runner is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Great job ! You explained it perfectly.

  3. Marisa, you did an excellent job w/ this tutorial and I appreciate the time & effort necessary to do such a fantastic presentation.

    Thank you!

  4. Marissa, I came here from your post on anembroideredaffair. This is such an excellent tutorial! I did not know there was a cutwork needle, how clever this is. I love the runner you made, and the design is spectacular.
    Your English is also excellent, I noticed only one mistake. Much better than my French.
    Kathy in Spring

  5. Thank you for posting this Marisa, I have been wanting to try these designs and you have finally made me decide to do them!!!! Great tutorial, Thank you, Nancy from Connecticut USA

  6. Marisa - thanks so much for sharing this. Its a great tutorial - as is your English. I love the finished product and have added the needles to my 'wish list'. Just got my CS so have a lot to play with:)
    Jan in the UK

  7. Marisa,what a beautiful table runner.
    The instructions with pictures are great.Is there any way to print these directions or get the file? I can't seem to make the entire pages print,only the heading.
    Good job and thanks.

  8. First of all, thanks to everybody that has left kind comments about my tutorial.
    Donna, to answer to your question, I have to figure out how to add a downloadable file, but I am working on it.

  9. Thank you so much. I've had this disk but was afraid to start. What you have done has been a big help, not only for me but I'm betting for several others. You did a great job of explanation.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing, I've had the cutwork needles for a year now but was to hesitant to try them. You did a great job explaining the steps involved.

  11. Thank you for posted this. It helps alot to see how to use the new needles.. Gale USA

  12. Merci beaucoup! J'ai les cutwork et je ne savais vraiment pas comment m'en servir, j'ai une meilleure idée maintenant. Encore une fois MERCI!

  13. Marisa, you did a GREAT job with this tutorial. And way to go translating to English. I love the cutwork designs you used, will have to look at them, Great work!

  14. I just found your site. I love your table runner and your English is wonderful. Your directions are perfect. I wonder if this disk is available for Pfaff machines. I am buying a new Pfaff, Thank you for your inspiration!

  15. Hola soy de Chile sirve para cualquier bordadora yo tengo Bernette muy lindo bordado

    Soy de Chile lindo bordado sirve para todas las bordadoras yo tengo una Bernette


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!