
Friday, November 4, 2011

Bali bag

Ces derniers jours j'ai cousait un nouveau projet et aujourd'hui je veux le partager avec vous.
Voici mon Bali Bag
These last days I have been sewing  a new project and today I want to share it with you.
My  Bali bag

 Ce sac  a été fait dans un cours que j'ai pris dernièrement, et je suis charmé par le résultat final.
 Pour  faire ce sac, nous avons besoin d'une machine à coudre, environ 3 à 4 mètres de tissu et une corde à linge en coton.
 Le tissu sera coupé en bandes de 2,5 "de largeur, j'ai coupé environ 45 bandes. Une autre option est d'utiliser les Jelly Rolls. La bande de tissu est enroulé autour de la corde à linge et ensuite cousue avec un point droit, puis, tous ces cordes enveloppées de tissu sont cousues ensemble.

I did this bag in a class that I took lately, I am charmed with the  final result.To do this bag, we need a sewing machine, approximately 3 to 4 meters of fabric and a clothesline.
The fabric will be cut  in strips of 2.5" of width, I cut approximately 45 strips. Another option is to use the jelly rolls.  The fabric strip is wrapped around the clothesline and then stitched with a running stitch then, all these clotheslines wrapped by fabric are sewed together.

 Je pense que ce sera plus facile de comprendre les étapes  en regardant une vidéo, je fait un recherche pour vous et je trouvé  les vidéos suivants  cliquez ici et ici.
I think that it will be easily to look at a video to understand the steps, To see the videos click here and here.
                                    Plus de photos de mon Bali bag

Si vous êtes intéressés à faire un sac comme le mien ce site a plusieurs patrons avec des idées pour utiliser le Jelly Rolls. Cliquez ici.

            If you are interested in doing a Bali bag This site has
               several patterns with ideas to use the jelly rolls.
                                               Click here  

 Vous pouvez  aussi faire une recherche Google en utilisant les termes   Bali bag et Jelly Rolls et vous  trouverez plusieurs liens avec beaucoup d'informations.

Also if you google Bali bags and jelly rolls you will find more information.

Vous pouvez me laisser des commentaires, j'adore les recevoir!!!
You can leave comments, I love receiving them !!!


  1. Thank you Marissa. Your description is very clear. You are very generous to take the time to sure your knowledge. Rosemary

  2. Marissa I love this bag, Ive been saving salvages to use on a bali bag!! I love this bag!! Its my kinda style, its plain and simple and very pretty!!

  3. I have never seen a bag constructed this way before. It would be very strong and sturdy and I imagine it would stand by itself. It looks great, Marissa!!!

  4. What a lovely bag! I'm looking for ways to use the jelly roll fabrics I got for christmas in my bags, what a fabulous way! Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Referring to the first comment, she isn't actually being generous with HER knowledge -- she clearly says she's 'sharing' what she recently learned in a class from SOMEONE ELSE. She gives no credit to the teacher who developed or perfected the technique/pattern, just presents it herself. Teachers spend countless years perfecting their techniques/patterns/classes, only to have students "share" with others for free, cutting into their income and reputation. (Yes, I'm a sewing teacher and know this personally.) So if you like a class so much, at least give the teacher credit and don't steal his/her knowledge and give it away for free!


I love getting comments from you,I want to let you know that I read and savour each and every one of your comments, and appreciate them totally. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message, it is your comments that feed my inspiration!